Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 229

Chapter 229


Tyrone and Galilea would be the chosen ones.

As the drawing unfolded, the comments started piling up.

A viewer speculated, Could Tyrone and Galilea be the ones chosen?

They were in it for the drama.

Now, lets welcome our first guest for the interactive session, announced the host, glancing at the large screen.

At that moment, the scrolling screen abruptly halted, revealing two distinct words. Tyrone Blakely.

The host announced with enthusiasm, Todays my lucky day. Mr. Blakely, youve been selected. Please, join me on stage.

The photographers were all in a frenzy, clicking away.

The netizens were abuzz with comments.

Cant be real.

Is this staged?

Were in for a treat.

Tyrone rose and made his way to the stage.

Before the game kicks off, how about a quick chat, Mr. Blakely? Do you know what the first game for tonight is?

Tyrone shook his head and replied, No clue.

His ignorance was genuine.

With Blakely Group dabbling in diverse sectors and owning multiple brands, he was no stranger to such events. He usually took off after delivering his speech, uninterested in the entire event proceedings.

So you must be aware youre up for a game with Ms. Chavez, right?

Whats your opinion on her?

The host, clearing his throat, slyly Looked at the paparazzi beyond the stage. Mr. Blakely, thats not the kind of response we were hoping for.

Tyrone was taken aback. He hadnt anticipated the host to probe further, causing him to cast an uncertain look at Sabrina.

The hosts lines were pre-scripted by the event team. They wouldnt suddenly throw in a curveball. This question must have been included at Sabrinas request.

Tyrone was all too aware of what Sabrina was attempting, which was to stir up a storm by hinting at a relationship between them.

